Echolove 'VAGABOND' albumi esitluskontsert TARTU • Echolove albumi 'VAGABOND' esitluskontserdid
Echolove esitleb oma uut albumit 'VAGABOND' Genialistide Klubis, kaasa teeb Robotorr.
🦴 Echolove
Seal, kus rasked riffid kohtuvad alternatiivse kitarrimuusikaga, seab Echolove rock’i uuesti määratluse alla. Psühhedeelselt, progressiivselt ja toorelt toob kollektiiv oma loomingu kuulajani - jutustatakse ausaid ning emotsionaalseid lugusi elust enesest. Inspireeritud suurkujudest nagu Queens of the Stone Age, Jack White, Bring Me The Horizon jpt. Nüüd, pärast 3 aastat, novembri lõpus nägi ilmavalgust nende teine kauamängiv „VAGABOND,“ mida bänd hoogsalt maailmale hakkab esitlema.
Where heavy riffs meet alternative guitar music, Echolove is defining and exploring new boundaries in rock’n’roll. Psychedelic, progressive, and raw – in such manners is the creation of the band brought to the audience, telling honest and emotional stories about life itself.
Inspired by icons like Queens of the Stone Age, Jack White, Bring Me The Horizon, and the likes. Now, after 3 years, their second full-length album VAGABOND was released at the end of November, which the band is enthusiastically beginning to present to the world.
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🦴 Robotorr
Dünaamiline ja kajav powertrio. Oma ainulaadse seguga draivivatest rütmidest, kummitavatest meloodiatest ja mõtlemautsitavatest sõnadest viib Robotorr kaasaegse rokkmuusika piiride taha. Nende debüütalbum " DON'T BELIEVE THE WRITING ON THE WALL, PT.1" - mis ilmus sel kevadel - on kui rokkiv-rolliv ekspeditsioon eneseusu leidmiseks ja muusika raputava jõu esile kutsumiseks.
A dynamic and echoic powertrio. With their unique blend of driving rhythms, haunting melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics, Robotorr pushes the boundaries of contemporary rock music. Their debut album, "DON'T BELIEVE THE WRITING ON THE WALL, PT.1" - released this spring - is a captivating exploration of self-belief and the transformative power of music.
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