XXXII Viljandi Folk Music Festival

Thu 24.07 - Sun 27.07.2025 • Various locations

XXXII Viljandi Folk Music Festival takes place on July 24–27, 2025 in a beautiful small town in Estonia – Viljandi!

4 days of folk music celebration
5 outdoor stages, 3 indoor stages
more than 75 concerts + additional programme (playing, dancing and singing workshops)
almost 50 artists from Estonia and abroad




Cätlin ja Marko Mägi koos Finlay MacDonaldi ja Ali Huttoniga

Džambo Aguševi Orchestra


The folk music festival that takes place in Viljandi Castle Hills and city center every July is the ultimate expression of the unique way of thinking that started spreading in the beginning of the 1990s. It values tradition, heritage and local identity and tries to adapt the spiritual values that people have developed over hundreds and thousands of years to the contemporary way of life. The aim of all of it is to keep our traditions alive, strengthen our national character and invigorate our musical mother tongue.

"Viljandi, what a feast for all senses!" – Mike Kamp,

Our youthful and happy festival guests are cheerful and caring towards their surroundings and themselves, and open to the opportunities of falling in love and delving deep into something. That's the spirit of the festival! Viljandi Folk Music Festival has become one of the largest of its kind in the Baltic and Nordic countries.

Come and enjoy the natural environment and very good music in the most beautiful small town in Estonia!

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