CPPM Manifestal'24: “between me and the fish I once was”. Britt Kõrsmaa

Britt Kõrsmaa (1988) is an Estonian dance and performance artist and choreographer. She is currently finishing her MA studies in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM) at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater.  She has graduated from Tallinn University with a degree in Choreography and before embarking on studies in CPPM has mostly worked as a dancer and choreographer in theatre productions, in various events and projects and in co-operation with music artists. For example, she has performed in Estonian Dance Agency’s revue theatre “Starlight Cabaret” for 9 years, at the Estonian Independence Day concert-performance “Every Bird Has Its Own Song” (2020) and choreographed Vanemuise’s productions “Beatrice” (2017), “Persona” (2019) and “W” (2019).

Britt was brought into CPPM by a desire to deepen her creative practice, move closer to herself and find her artistic voice. Her solo piece “practice makes peculiar”/“harjutamine teeb mei… d iseäralikuks” used an extract from her personal history to explore the absurdity of operating in a hermetic environment and the use of voice in real and imaginary space. She is inspired by places, spaces, rooms and worlds and by the futility of human effort against stronger forces. Britt is interested in the authentic meeting of performer and audience in time and space and the potentialities that lie in that encounter. Her approach carries an attempt to find true presence and connection and share a sensorial and state-based experience inside a common field of perception.


06.06.2024 at 19:00, Pirita River

07.06.2024 at 19:00, Pirita River

08.06.2024 at 19:00, Pirita River (with artist talk)

09.06.2024 at 19:00, Pirita River

10.06.2024 at 19:00, Pirita River

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