All Souls’ Day Concert

Sat 02.11.2024 at 19:00
 (Riia 27, Tartu)

All Souls’ Day Concert
/Hingedepäeva kontsert/

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ave verum corpus, in D major
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem

Karmen Puis, Pirjo Jonas, Rasmus Kull or Hisatoshi Nezu, Simo Breede or Kristjan Häggblom
Risto Joost
Vanemuine opera choir and Vanemuine symphony orchestra
Students of the Heino Eller Music High School will take part in the concerts of Tartu and Viljandi

Around the All Souls’ Day, the Vanemuine symphony orchestra will perform Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s last major work – The Requiem – under the baton of conductor Risto Joost. When the piece was commissioned, the composer was already gravely ill and began composing it at the end of 1791. Unfortunately, he died before completing the work and thus it was finished by one of his students. The programme also includes Mozart’s motet Ave verum corpus, which he wrote in 1791.

31 October 2024
at the Rakvere Theatre
(The concert in Rakvere will take place as part of the programme of the Rakvere Culture Festival)
1 November 2024
at the Lüdig Hall in Vändra
2 November 2024
at St Paul’s Church in Tartu
3 November 2024
at the Viljandi Baptist Church

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Vanemuise teatri külaliskontsert!

24.00 €

Vanemuise teatri külaliskontsert!