WORKSHOP | D. Beckett: Elevate your pitch I Vii oma müügiesitlus uuele tasemele
International pitch coach David Beckett is coming to Estonia!
David Beckett is an international pitch coach, who has trained over 2400 Startups and Scaleups to pitch and win over €450 Million in investment. He's also trained more than 36,000 professionals at companies such as, Tommy Hilfiger, PwC and Netflix in 31 countries, as well as over 30 TEDx speakers. David is the creator of The Pitch Canvas©, and author of the books Pitch To Win and Blue Moon Pitch.
You’ll also get the chance to put the tools into action straight away, during the workshop. Afterwards, you'll receive a selection of one pagers, videos and tools that will help you deliver pitches with certainty and confidence.
The workshop is co-financed by the European Union.
Within three financial years, every Estonian company has the right to apply for up to 300,000 euros of state aid. For the company participating in the workshop, up to 100 euros of minor aid is calculated, which is reduced from those 300,000 euros. Read more.
David Beckett on koolitanud üle 2400 startup’i ja scaleup’i ning aidanud võita enam kui 450 miljonit eurot investeeringuid. Samuti on Beckett koolitanud üle 36 000 spetsialisti 31 riigis. Seda ettevõtetes nagu, Tommy Hilfiger, PwC ja Netflix, muuhulgas on ta koolitanud üle 30 TEDx esineja. David on „The Pitch Canvas©“ looja ning raamatute „Pitch To Win“ ja „Blue Moon Pitch“ autor.
Töötuba kaasrahastab Euroopa Liit.
Kolme majandusaasta peale on igal ettevõttel õigust taotleda kuni 300 000 eurot vähese tähtsusega abi. Töötoas osaleva ettevõtte kohta arvestatakse kuni 100 eurot vähetähtsat abi, mis läheb 300 000 eurost maha. Loe rohkem.
Event timeline/line-up
In Estonian below
In this practical, active workshop, David will share proven steps and tools to prepare for your winning pitch. You'll get guidance on:
- an instant introduction pitch for any business situation:
- how to adapt your pitch to your audience;
- build your storyline creatively;
- open and close the pitch powerfully;
- use The Power of Three;
- add your personality to your story;
- how to practice your pitch.
- Doors open at 12.30 pm.
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Praktilises töötoas jagab David samme ja õpetusviise, kuidas valmistuda julgeks ja veenvaks müügikõneks. Töötoas saab iga osaleja teada:
- kuidas kohandada oma ettekanne vastavalt publikule;
- kuidas luua tutvustav ettekanne mistahes ettevõttele;
- kuidas ehitada oma lugu loovalt;
- kuidas pitch’i avada ja lõpetada;
- mismoodi lisada oma loole isikupära;
- kuidas pitch’i harjutada.