Presented by the Tallinn Fringe Festival:

Triinu Upkin #laulevbaleriin • Fringe Festival

Thu 12.09.2024 at 20:00
 (Vabaduse väljak 10, Tallinn)
Philly Joe's Jazz Club, autumn 2024


Thursday, September 12, 8 p.m. at Philly Joe's Jazz Club

Performers: Triinu Upkin #laulevbaleriin

Genre: Intellektuaalne pop

Language: Estonian

Duration: 2x45min

Triinu Upkin is a professional ballet dancer, singer and songwriter. Triinu is an attractive and theatrical artist who performs self-written songs with her band, telling stories of her life as a ballet artist and a woman navigating through the tough world of the performing arts field. She changes costumes, puts on her pointe shoes for a dance and jokes with her bandmates while trying to make the world a more fair and better place through her art. And all of this with just the right amount of self-irony while making no concessions to her musical or physical performance.

Triinu Upkin creates intellectual pop music. Her band's main lineup consist of musicians Rain Rämmal, Jaan Jaanson, Kaarel Liiv and Eno Kollom. In August 2023 they presented Triinu’s genre-bending debut album "Kõikvõimalikkus" with a play “Läbimäng” which was a solo piece for a singing ballerina, male dancer and band.


Triinu Upkin - vocals

Rain Rämmal - keyboards

Jaan Jaason - guitar

Kaarel Liiv - bass

Eno Kollom - drums

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons, and many more.

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Pre-sale tickets are sold in three price categories:
BEBOP (10 €): Limited amount of discounted tickets for the quickest jazz enthusiasts.
SWING (15 €): Regular-priced tickets for those who flow by the everyday rhythm.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): Last minute tickets for those who savor a relaxed tempo.

Full-price tickets are sold at the door for 20 .
Concession tickets for 10  are available for students, teachers, and senior citizens upon presentation of a valid discount document.
Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's Jazz Club with the Supporter Ticket for 50 . Philly Joe's appreciates your support!

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.

Event timeline/line-up

Doors open at 19:00

10.90 € - 50.95 €
Pre-sale tickets are sold in three price categories:
BEBOP (10 €): Limited amount of discounted tickets for the quickest jazz enthusiasts.
SWING (15 €): Regular-priced tickets for those who flow by the everyday rhythm.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): Last minute tickets for those who savor a relaxed tempo.

Full-price tickets are sold at the door for 20 .
Concession tickets for 10  are available for students, teachers, and senior citizens upon presentation of a valid discount document.
Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's Jazz Club with the Supporter Ticket for 50 . Philly Joe's appreciates your support!

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.