Viljandi Guitar Festival concert series in Noblessner harbour:

Weekend Guitar Trio • Guitar Wednesdays at Wambola Surf & Bar

Wed 30.08.2023 at 20:00
 (Allveelaeva, Tallinn)

Virtuoosne elav muusika koos päikeseloojanguga mereääres - just see leiab aset Noblessneri sadamalinnakus selle suve igal kolmapäeval.

Weekend Guitar Trio 30

Robert Jürjendal - semi-acoustic guitar, electronics
Mart Soo - electric guitar, electronics
 Tõnis Leemets - electric guitar, electronics


"Weekend Guitar Trio is a real mystery.... The trio plays ambient music of their own complex form, which they have impressively deepened and expanded over the years and which was convincingly confirmed at their concert. Already a household name in Europe, the Weekend Guitar Trio prefers to perform at music festivals where they can focus 100% on the music" - Henning Bolte, London Jazz.


Over the years, WGT has released 6 albums under its own name, as well as collaborations with Vox Clamantis, Jan Bang (Norway) and Toyah Willcox (England) and Markus Reuter (Germany). The trio has performed at many prestigious jazz and new music festivals in Finland, Germany, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Norway, Japan, Russia and Moldova (Marciac Jazz Festival, London Jazz Festival, PUNKT festival, etc.).

Weekend Guitar Trio's work is characterized by composed and improvised music for three electric guitars and electronics. The trio is influenced by jazz, electronic and world music. WGT's music has been featured on the popular BBC 3 music programme and on many European radio stations. WGT has played with some of the best Estonian DJs and the British DJ duo Spring Heel Jack; several percussionists (Brian Melvin, John Wieczorek), folk musicians (Celia Roose, Tuule Kann) and singers (Kadri Hunt, Priit Lehto).


Their concert, held in Wambola, will feature a cross-section of the Weekend Guitar Trio's three decades of activity. It includes music from a variety of genres, united by an improvisational and imaginative soundscape.

The event is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Tallinn Music City and Glassense.
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Event timeline/line-up

17:00 Wambola opens for food and drinks
20:00 Weekend Guitar Trio concert

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