Perekontsert: Juss Haasma & Pikapäevarühma poisid • Jazzkaar 2023
Sat 29.04.2023 at 01:00 PM
(Telliskivi 60a, Tallinn)
This year’s Jazzkaar family concert consists the boys from Rõõmutarekese kindergarten –
Juss Haasma, Siim Usin, Kristjan Kaasik, Kristjan Kallas and Mairo Marjamaa. They went to kindergarten some time ago, but because they liked it so much, they have remained connected to the kindergarten until now.
Boys have already performed a few times for kindergarten classmates and their parents, but now it's already time for the big stages of Jazzkaar! The concert will create a joy of recognition in both the youngest and the oldest of the family.
Juss Haasma – vocal, drums
Kristjan Kaasik – quitar
Mairo Marjamaa – saxophone
Siim Usin – bass
Kristjan Kallas – drums
Wheelchair accessibility:
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