EPiim esitleb

IV: NEEME JÄRVI JA KEVADKLASSIKA • Maestro kontserdisari

Fri 09.05.2025 at 19:00
 (Estonia puiestee 4, Tallinn)

Joachim Raff
Cavatina from 6 Morceaux, Op. 85

Richard Strauss
Sechs Lieder, Op. 68

Joachim Raff
Symphony No. 11 in A minor, Op. 214, Winter


The ‘Maestro’ series will end in May, when Honorary Artistic Director for Life Neeme Järvi will guide ERSO through the final performance. The playlist includes Joachim Raff’s Cavatina and Symphony No. 11. The Swiss composer, pianist, and teacher Joachim Raff was one of the most famous German musicians of his time. After his death, his works were largely forgotten. However, the twenty-first century has witnessed a revival of interest in Raff’s Romantic musical style, confirmed by new releases of recordings of his chamber and orchestra music.

The soloist of the concert, soprano Elina Nechayeva, has collaborated with Järvi on numerous occasions over a long period. Their previous performance together – Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 – took place in September 2023. Nechayeva will perform Richard Strauss’ cycle Sechs Lieder (Six Songs) set to the poems by Clemens Brentano. Strauss wrote nearly 220 songs over the course of his life, which are still popular on stages today. This cycle is particularly suitable for a coloratura soprano whose voice can convey dramatic nuances.

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22.00 € - 80.00 €