Launch Party • Estonian Music Week 2025
Kick off the 5th edition of Estonian Music Week festival with glitz and glamour at Gardiner Museum.
Mix and mingle with your friends and fellow community members, VIP guests as you enjoy appetizers and an open bar. Say hello to the artists and get a taste of the festival programming all set against the backdrop of the magnificent ROM.
The Launch Party is back by popular demand! Just like we started our very first festivals in 2018 and 2019, at Sassafraz in Yorkville or Archeo in Distillery District, we are bringing the tradition back.
🇪🇪 Toome tagasi esimestel festivalidel populaarseks osutunud avapeo formaadi, kus kohtuvad publik, VIP külalised, muusikud ja tegijad. Kohtume nooblis Gardineri Muuseumis, kus lisaks seltskonnale, suupistetele ja jookidele saame nautida ka suurejoonelisi vaateid ROMile.
Estonian Music Week 2025 festival
This event is part of the Estonian Music Week (EMW) festival programme running May 22-25. Experience it all with a Festival Pass - 8 concerts from incredible Estonian and Canadians artists. Learn more about festival passes. With performances from folktronica to contemporary classical music, EMW is sure to become your new favourite early-summer music festival. Explore the line-up here.
EMW is made possible by:
Estonian Museum Canada / VEMU, Tartu College
Major funder:
Estonian Foundation of Canada
Toronto Arts Council, Estonian Embassy in Ottawa, Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Northern Birch Credit Union
Presenting Partners:
SING! The Toronto International Vocal Arts Festival, Wavelength, Humber Polytechnic's Centre for Creative Business Innovation, The Cotton Factory
Media Partners:
Eesti Elu, Exclaim!, WholeNote
Ticketing Partner: